
Bad day

My sweet baby has had a very bad day (...and I too). A kick from a horse has broken her jaw. She didn't eat, didn't drink and has had a lot of pain. The vet gave antibiotic and antiphlogistic but I'm really worried. Hope all will be okay.

6 commenti:

  1. I'm so sorry to read about your day, I hope your horse will be OK. I came upon your blog by chance, I really like the stamp for fabric idea. I've been looking for something a little different to label my quilts and this looks great

  2. I hope your horse will be okay soon. Please let us know.

  3. Hugs Nichi, what a worry. The main thing is to keep getting fluids into her. The vet will sort a drip if it remains too uncomfortable for her to drink. Just keep him/her informed and they will know what to do. Sympathies.

  4. Oh, no! I hope she recovers quickly.

  5. Omg! I am so sorry! Hope the vet is staying on top of this and keep her comfortable. I will be thinking about you and your baby.


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