
Wonky wheel tutorial

Have you liked the wonky wheel?
Today I post a little "how to do" if someone want to make it.

1- Freehand cut a circle from a paper square about 8"x8" (20x20cm) with a center hole .

2-Hand cut some slices from 3 (or, better, more) strips of different fabrics about 6" of height.

3-Using the paper circle as a foundation stitch the slices right side together and continue until the circle is completed.
4-Trim the excess of fabric from the border of the circle.

5-Complete as for an appliquè circle.
6-Place the wheel on the background an complete with a star (or a heart or a free hand circle...) to cover the hole in the center.
CONGRATS! Your wonky wheel is DONE!

20 commenti:

  1. A good idea. I like the "wonkiness".

  2. Love it. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Thanks for sharing :) I love the star, its gorgous!

  4. You make it look easy...until I try it myself!!! hehehe

  5. Very cute! I love it. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Great tutorial! I love this wonky wheel. Thank you for sharing.
    ; )

  7. I just found your blog and really like this tutorial! Thanks so much for sharing inspiration and instructions.

  8. that is sooo cute. I love that you made the circle freehand.

  9. Very cute! I LOVE that star in the middle. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. This is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  11. That is great! Thank you for sharing....I'm going to have to go try this. It looks like fun.

  12. love this! but how do you sew down the last slice? I mean how do you complete the circle so that the last slice and the first slice are sewn together?

  13. Love your wonky wheel so much I linked to it here:


    Scarlett Burroughs
    Quilting Editor, Craft Gossip

  14. Ooh, I love it. I see some scraps finding their true calling in this. :)

    Stopping by from Craft Gossip. Happy Monday!

  15. Wouldnt this make a smashing piec of wall art too. For a childs room with an animal stitched in the centre maybe.
    Thankyou so much for sharing, its a great idea!

  16. Just really loving this technique--hugs, Julierose

  17. W jaki sposób usuwasz ten papier po uszyciu koła? Trzeba je naszyć na bloku, chyba najlepiej ręcznie? Papier trzeba chyba usunąć wcześniej? W przeciwnym razie zostanie na zawsze w bloku, albo trzeba przeciąć blok od spodu i tamtędy wyjmować papier - z tym, że jest przyszyty i tak łatwo nie będzie.
    Ta gwiazdka zasłaniająca środek jest śliczna, ale bardzo trudno ją uszyć, żeby wierzchołki były płaskie (są pod nimi fałdy tkaniny), postanowiłam więc zakryć otwór zwyczajnym krążkiem tkaniny.
    Pomysł tego patchworku jest bardzo ciekawy. Pozdrowienia,

  18. I just love this tutorial--thanks for sharing it...hugs, Julierose


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