
Fabric box tutorial

I love this project because is easy and clever. You can adapt it to your idea simply changing the size of the box or the kind of fabric you use or the interface weight.
I love it because is a gift of a friend...thanks Elena!  

You need 4 strips of different fabrics (or half and half ,as in my example, if you want the effect inside different from outside) and four strips of interface (same size).
REMEMBER...you will obtain a box that is a cube with (about) the same size of the width of the strips you use. So , if I use strips 4" width , the box will be a cube 4"x4"...

For a tiny box   4 fabric strips 4"x 13" (10x34 cm) and 4 interface strips in the same size 

For a medium box   4" and 3/4 x 17" and 1/2  (12x44 cm)

For a big box  6"x 19" (15x47 cm)

Iron the interface on the back side of the strips. Choose the interface weight you prefer ( just remember that a high weight interface will be better if you use it only on the outside half part ).
Okay, we are ready to start...
mark with a dot the middle of the short side of the strips... 

...put the ruler with the 45° line  on the long side of the strip and shift it until you meet the point in the middle on the short side (as in the pic)...and cut out the corner... 

...repeat the same step for the other side and then for all the 4  strips until you will have pointed strips (as in the pic below).
Pin the strips right side facing and be sure that the middle and the corners correspond.

Start to sew from the middle of the long side and go straight towards the side corner

Stop the seam at 1/4" (0,6 cm) before the corner and bend towards the point...

...go straight to the point and stop again the seam 1/4" before the point and stop the seam with few back stitch.

Repeat for each side,  leave a little open on the last side to turn inside out the finished box.

Stitch the part left open , press the project and put the inner part inside the outer.
Turn out the edge and the box is done! 

Hope the tutorial is clear and useful, but, as you know, English isn't my language...so, forgive me and my mistakes and , if you need some more explanation , please,  mail me!

10 commenti:

  1. Perfect tutorial! Great job.....as always!!!!
    Thanks Nichi!

  2. These boxes are so pretty! Great tutorial!

  3. Thanks Nichi for this excellent tutorial. I've already pinned it to my Pinterest board. I will definitely give this a try.
    PS: Love the pig fabric, so cute!

  4. Very cute! Thanks for the tute.

  5. useful and pretty! I love them, I always need fabric box to store little things and this construction is so clever! I enjoyed your tutorial and live demo as well, thank you so much for sharing this :)

  6. Grazie ^__^
    Perfetto e spero di avere tempo per realizzarlo quanto prima

  7. These are the cutest boxes and so easy to do. Thank you for keeping it free.

  8. Bello il tuo tutorial!!Provero' a farlo...Grazie!!
    ciao Sara

  9. WOW I found you again LOL I did follow your tutorial once and fell in love with this box. I told myself that I would make many more of these LOL and did NOT. Now I want to make a box for my son and thought of your cool soft sweet box and started looking for you with my friend MR GOOGLE and found a lot of great tutorials for these usually cute boxes but ......... then............I..............found..............YOU and boy was a Happy - now I´ll bookmark your blog and hopefully I´ll never loos you again.
    Thank so much for this tutorial and thanks for still being here. xoxo Tora

  10. Thank´s for following my blog :) I just wanted to let you know that I made one just now for my DS and he loves it - I´ll put some photos on my blog if you like to see it. xoxo


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