Again winter colors for the first project of this year.
I like the tumbler pattern but I never used it before...

I think it's perfect to use with fabrics that I didn't want to cut in too much little pieces
(I love the big red-gray dots fabric!) .
Here is how the project start to grow on my design wall...
The first (and more spontaneous) layout is with random colors ....

...any suggestion for a different one?
Per me i colori sono perfetti cosi'...mi piace molto il tuo nuovo lavoro!Ciao Sara
RispondiEliminaI agree, this pattern is perfect for these fabrics! It looks terrific!
RispondiEliminaI like it as it is!
RispondiEliminaThe random is great - it's looking really good!
RispondiEliminaI love that big dot print too. I like the random/spontaneous thing you have going so far, keep it up!
RispondiEliminaIt looks great! I also have this die. The pieces sew together so nicely.
RispondiEliminaI like it just the way you are going now and those colors are great any time of year.